School Uniform

All items of branded Barnhill blazers and PE kit can be purchased from Vicky's uniform shop, our sole supplier of Barnhill uniform.  All other items can also be purchased at low cost from any major supermarket or sports shop.

Vicky’s Uniform Supplier

  • Address: 256 Yeading Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 9AX
  • Telephone: 0208 841392

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that your child's name is written or labelled clearly on all items of school uniform at the start of each academic year.

Standard Uniform Items

Item Colour Additional Information
Blazer Maroon with logo Only available from Vicky’s uniform supplier. Pricelist below.
School Tie  Year 7 - Yellow
Year 8 - Purple
Year 9 - Blue
Year 10 - Red
Year 11 - Silver
Available directly from the school for £5 in cash or via ParentPay or Vicky's uniform supplier for £6.
School Shirt White With buttons at neck (not polo style shirt) No open neck blouses allowed.
School Trousers Black Full length tailored trousers.
School Skirt Black Knee-length A-line skirt only.
School Shoes Black Flat shoes, plain leather (no logos)
No boots*, trainers, or canvas
shoes allowed.
Socks/Tights Black or white No other colours or
patterned socks allowed.
School Headscarf Plain black or white Worn for religious reasons.

PE Kit

Item  Colour Additional Information
PE Polo Shirt Black with logo -
PE Crew Neck Sweatshirt
PE Hooded Jumper
Black with logo Parents choice of either sweatshirt or hoodie or both.
Plain Sports Shorts Black -
Trainers - To avoid injury suitable athletic trainers are required,
no flat soles, fashion trainers or plimsolls.
Shin Pads - Required for football and hockey.

Highly Recommended PE Kit and PPE

Item Colour Additional Information
Long sleeve thermal or under armour top Black or White To be worn under Barnhill PE t-shirt Recommended for outdoor PE lessons in the colder months
Sport Leggings Black To be worn under shorts,
never on their own
Recommended for outdoor PE lessons in the colder months
Football Socks Black Small logos such as Nike or Sondico permitted, essential item when shin pads are required
Recommended for outdoor PE lessons in the colder months
Gloves Black Sport appropriate gloves can be worn dependent on the activity
Hat Black Beanie style hat (no bobble) Recommended for the colder months
Studded Football or Rugby Boots - Highly recommended for PE lessons taking place on the field, cannot be worn on the astroturf
Can be purchased from all sports shops
Mouthguard - Highly recommended for Rugby and Hockey lessons


Please note:

At Barnhill Community High School we have very high standards of appearance so the following are not permitted:

  • Only natural hair colour is permitted. No dyed, shaved hair and no designs shaved into the hair. 
  • No visible body piercings or nose studs.
  • Jewellery is limited to one pair of stud earrings and a watch only. No rings.