Rewards & Sanctions

Our aims are to:

  • Create a positive culture that promotes excellent behaviour, through the consistent application of our behaviour policy that reflects our ethos and values, ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to learn in a calm, safe and supportive environment.
  • Outline the expectations and consequences of behaviour.
  • Define what we consider to be unacceptable behaviour, including bullying and discrimination.
Value Definition Expectation of Students


Exercise courtesy, tolerance and have due regard for all members of the school community, whatever their role, and for each other, and expect to receive the same.

  • Be polite - say please and thank you
  • Follow instructions first time, every time
  • Be punctual to lessons and properly equipped
  • Treat learning resources with care


Ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to learn and increase their knowledge and cultural capital to achieve their full potential.

  • Pay attention and contribute during lessons
  • Complete work and homework to the best of their ability


High expectations of our pupils ensure they strive and are supported to achieve the best possible outcomes and to overcome any barriers in assessing the broad and balanced curriculum.

  • Respond to feedback and apply advice to improve standards and depth of understanding
  • Accept challenge and aim high


Communicate regularly with parents, carers and the local community to build positive relationships and encourage students to contribute within and beyond the school gates where possible.

  • Act responsibly
  • Represent Barnhill positively
  • Be smart and wear the correct uniform in the correct way and with pride
  • Respect the environment (no littering)


  Conversations Action

Reward: P1

This can be given for good work completed by students which is based on our values

Log P1

Reward: P2

Excellent class work/effort and or homework
Excellent attitude to learning

Log P2

Reward: P3/P4

Outstanding work/effort  or homework
Outstanding attitude to learning

Postcard written to them

Log P3 or P4 as appropriate

Sanctions including Detentions

In lessons:

At Barnhill we follow a two-warning process. All pupils must receive TWO warnings prior to a lesson removal.

  Conversations Action

Warning 1

Student is reminded of the desired behaviour

Warning 2

If the behaviours persist:

The student they will be given 5-minute reflection time-outside the classroom to regulate their behaviour

Student will receive a C1- 15 minute detention with class teacher


If the behaviour persists the student will be removed from the lesson

The student will be removed from the lesson and complete work in a nearby classroom with a teacher. They will also receive a 1 hour detention

Outside of lessons:

A student who signs in late at reception (after 8:20am) will be issued a lunchtime detention for 40 minutes and should report to the Assembly Hall as soon as lunchtime begins. Students will ALWAYS have the chance to get lunch

Detentions may also be issued for contravening Barnhill’s Behaviour in the Community policy. where their behavior is dangerous or disrespectful to themselves or others, or stopped others from learning or staff from teaching.

Students are responsible for attending their detentions and can check the time and location of any detention on the board outside the Pastoral Support Managers’ office.

Deliberately missing a lunchtime detention will result in an after-school detention of one hour and a notification will be sent home.

The Head of Year will contact home if students fail to attend an after-school detention.  The consequence of missing more than one detention could include the loss of break and lunch times.

A student will receive a two hour after-school detention on a Friday overseen by a member of the Senior Leadership Team if they fail to report to the Referral Room to serve their loss of break and lunch time sanctions issued by the Head of Year.

Should a student choose not to attend the SLT supervised detention, the student will spend an extended day in the Referral Room.  Parents will be contacted by the Head of Year, Pastoral Support Manager or member of SLT who will explain the escalation process and the opportunities that the student was given to comply with the school policy.