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Y7 Football Squad prove themselves a force to be reckoned with in their first competitive outing

Year 7 won their first ever competitive game as a team vs. Harefield Academy on Tuesday 11th March.

The boys did fantastically well to come back from 0-1 and then 1-2 down to eventually demolish their opponents 5-2 (It honestly could have ended 10-2). Considering most of our players had been fasting since the early hours of the morning and Harefield did not have a single player battling under those conditions - it was quite remarkable to watch them in action.

Brilliant defensive performances from Rohit and Gabriel laid the foundations for the team, with Rhomel putting on one of the best individual attacking performances I can recall. He ended the game with 4 goals and the opposing coach described him as "unplayable". He is a real talent and held himself superbly as the opponents launched a spirited attack in an unsuccessful attempt to contain him.

Well done to all of the team:

Yehor, Manuel, Gabriel, Rohit, Thubeesan, Rhomel, Mo, Dani, Nawaf, Rayyan, Aayan & Shaidon

Mr Hillman
Assistant Headteacher