A Heart Felt Charity Event

The Sixth Form spread a little love leading up to Valentine's Day with their special fundraiser
During the last week before half term, the year 12 student leadership and prefect team ran Barnhill’s annual Valentine’s Day event where students and teachers alike purchased adorable gift bags of heart-shaped chocolates to send to someone they appreciate in school.
The event was off to a good start with almost 140 sales on the first day, but the real surprise came on Tuesday, when that number more than doubled with 330 sales in the span of the two lunch breaks. The excitement spread and those who were shy gathered their courage to come to the stalls and spread the love.
It was incredible to see how many friendships and valuable connections existed between people in the school, and though many chose to remain anonymous, they bravely expressed their admiration for someone they cared for. Every single year group participated and there was so much positivity. The event was a great success and miraculously sold out within 30 minutes on the last day. Students and teachers were delighted to receive chocolates with a personalised message on Thursday - a day before Valentine’s Day.
We managed to raise over £550 for Save the Children, a charity selected by the school and one close to many at Barnhill's heart.
Head Girl, Y12