Count on us Secondary Challenge
The Jack Petchey Foundation has worked in partnership with the Mayor’s Fund for London since 2014 to deliver the Count on Us Secondary Challenge. It is a unique, inter-school maths programme for Year 7, 8 and 9 students across London, which aims to improve confidence and fluency in maths.
There were five representatives:
Noor, Malay, Mateusz, Yohann and Devan from years 8 and 9, who were selected to compete with different schools in a series of maths games and puzzles.
Noor from 9B summarised the experience:
Our maths trip was amazing, we got the chance to meet new people and compete with people who have great maths skills. The games were challenging, but we all went beyond our expectations and smashed through most of the rounds. Our best performance was the '24 game' where one member of our team, 'Mateusz', was very quick with his mental maths skills and won every round. Overall, it was a great experience and I really enjoyed it.
Thank you to Ms Ahmed Hagi for arranging the trip and who returned feeling immensely proud.