The Special Educational Needs Policy of the school takes careful account of the Code of Practice (January 2015) and the Special Needs and Disability Act 2001. It reflects the school’s belief that all students have skills, talents and abilities and recognises that the school has a responsibility to develop these to the full. The aims of the policy are:
- To give all students access to a broad and balanced curriculum suitably differentiated to meet their needs
- To provide additional support including skilled staff, specialist equipment and resources wherever necessary to students who have special educational needs
- To offer special programmes designed to maximise opportunities when students leave the school including preparation for work or continuing education
- To encourage awareness that the learning needs of all students are of equal value
- To give all students the opportunity to gain a sense of achievement and self-worth from their educational experience at school
- The school maintains a SEND Register and record individual needs and strategies for additional support.
- The designated SENCo liaises with the curriculum and pastoral staff to monitor pupil progress and plan further intervention where progress is lower than expected.
Here at Barnhill we believe that every student deserves to receive a broad and balanced curriculum. We lead this through quality first teaching, ensuring that any barriers to learning are removed through careful planning, delivery and review of practice. We are proud of our alternative curriculum that allow learners to access a wide range of learning opportunities.
The SEND department is forward facing and at the heart of the school. We work tirelessly to ensure our students are able to thrive within the learning environment, that they feel well supported by reasonable adjustments to support their special educational needs. Most importantly, that students leave Barnhill happy, with excellent outcomes and are able to contribute to the wider community.
Speech and Language Therapy/Communication (SaLT)
Speech, language and communication are closely linked to behaviour, attainment, how young people interact with their peers and how they feel about themselves. At Barnhill we recognise the importance of this as a daily need. When a student is identified with this need we work closely with the student in small groups to overcome these difficulties, which will enable them to fully engage in all aspects of school life.
Thinking Reading
Thinking Reading is a whole-school strategy with an intensive, one-to-one intervention to ensure that all pupils leave secondary school reading well.
Students are identified by completing reading tests at the beginning of each academic year and from this we can identify students who would benefit from this invention, with the aim of each student reaching their reading age before completing the intervention. Thus ensuring that these students can fully engage in all classroom learning, have improved confidence and are able to reach their full potential.
Outside Agencies
We also employ the skills and services of a number of outside agencies to work closely with students who have additional needs. These services and varied and non exhaustive and include:
- Hearing Impairment specialists
- Educational Psychologists
- Play therapists
- ASD Specialists
- Physical Therapists
Transition into Barnhill Community High School
Transition from Primary to Secondary can also be a stressful time for the parents and carers of children and young people with SEND. We ensure we work closely with parents, Primary Schools and students to help all involved feel confident that they have the right information and are well prepared for the process. We strive to ensure good communication and a consistent approach between home and school to help support children and young people through transition.
Please click here for a booklet of activities for your child to complete before they start here at Barnhill. This will help us get to know them a little better.
What you can expect from us
Here at Barnhill, student support, progress and wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. The SEND department works tirelessly to ensure that any child with an additional need has a smooth, positive and empowering transition from KS2 to KS3 and beyond. We appreciate you might be feeling anxious about the new routines and challenges that come with moving school but we can assure you our experienced and professional team are here to support you and your child every step of the way.
Our team will make it our business to get to know every student and understand more about them as a learner. Mrs Gibbons, our SENDCo and Mrs Martincevic, our Assistant SENDCo, along with our SEND and EAL teams will liaise closely with Primary settings and families to ensure they have a complete picture of every child. We will gather relevant information, liaise with outside agencies and, if necessary, provide a bespoke curriculum that ensures academic progression and supports a sense of achievement.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to answer them. We very much look forward to meeting you and your child and welcoming you to the Barnhill community.
The School's SENCo is Mrs C Gibbons
The Assistant SENDCo is Mrs Martincevic
The School's Governor for SEND is Mrs J Smith
You can reach both using the school's enquires email