
Attendance Matters - Every School Day Counts

At Barnhill Community High School we aim for our students to gain the greatest benefit from their education and it is vital that they attend regularly and are at school, on time, every day, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

Why Regular Attendance is so Important

Regular absence can have a serious impact on their learning. Any school absence affects the pattern of a child’s learning schedule and disrupts teaching routines affecting the learning of others within the same class.

Expectations & Procedures

If your child is going to be absent from school you must notify us before 8.20am using EduLink either via the app or online. This short video provides you with useful guidance on how to do this.


Late to School 

A student is late to school if they attend after 8:20am,  Form Tutors will mark student present with a ‘L’ and record the number of minutes late after 8:20am. The student will receive a lunch time detention on the same day, where they can get support to help them arrive to school on time.

A student who signs in late at reception after 8.50  will receive a 'U 'code. This means that their attendance for the morning is 0%. The student will also get a late detention but may also be placed on report to try and improve their punctuality. The 'U' code will affect the students attendance, which if continued will result in a fine.

Click here to find out more about our detention procedure, rewards and sanctions.

Exceptional Leave

All term time absences are unauthorised except in extreme circumstances. Please complete the linked form below to make an application for exceptional leave.