World Book Day at Barnhill
It's never too late to turn over a new leaf of a good book!
Barnhill Students (and staff) celebrated World Book Day on 6th March 2025.
Many staff dressed up as book characters – we had colourful Pink Ladies and Little Red Riding Hood alongside, Gangster Granny, the Old Woman that lived in a shoe and we found Wally! Robin Hood put in an appearance accompanied by Little John and Friar Tuck and the Pastoral Team chose Alice in Wonderland for their team theme!
Students in Year 7 enjoyed an author visit from Jennifer L Rothwell, author of A Spark of Fire (part of The Firelighters trilogy) who talked to them about what it takes to be an author. Pupils enjoyed the workshop and each took home a signed copy of her book. To quote Oscar, "I've never been so excited about reading a book, EVER!"
Mrs Arnold asked students to take photos of themselves reading in unusual places and Dev in Year 8 submitted a picture of himself reading on the edge of an aircraft wing in flight - extreme indeed showing great commitment and creativity!
Ms Qasameh, form tutor, got her form to design bookmarks and they produced some great page savers.
Students had great fun compiling lists of which books were the favourite of teachers which gave them good ideas for their next pick from the library!