Year 11 Prom 2022
Reserve your place now!
Dear Parents/Carers
Year 11 Prom - Class of 2022
Venue: Renaissance Hotel, Bath Road, Heathrow
Time: 6:30pm – 11pm
Date: Wednesday 30th June 2022
Ticket Price: £50
A NON REFUNDABLE deposit of £20 must be paid by 18th March via ParentPay. (We do not accept any other method of payment)
The deposit payment line will be closed at 1pm on Friday 18th March.
The remaining balance of £30 must be paid by 26th May 2022 via ParentPay. (We do not accept any other method of payment)
The balance payment line will be open from Saturday 19th March. This will only be open for those students who have paid their deposit.
Please email if you require a ParentPay log in or ask your son / daughter to speak to Miss Raheman on your behalf.
Students have been given the opportunity to raise money towards their prom ticket by completing their interventions diary. The diary aims to reward students for attending targeted academic sessions aimed at improving their content knowledge and skill. For every 20 sessions, pupils will be rewarded with a £10 voucher of their choice or alternatively can use the money towards their prom ticket.
Prom is a privilege and celebration of the students’ hard work during their time at Barnhill Community High School. If a student has poor behaviour, attendance or punctuality they are at risk of not being allowed to attend. This will be a decision made by the Key Stage Team.
We look forward to seeing all of Year 11 at Prom.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Ms Dixon
Pastoral Manager KS 4