Show Racism the Red Card Week at Barnhill
Year 7 - 10 discuss issues in 5 session event and prepare for National competition in creative writing and art
A thousand students took part in a drop-down Character Curriculum event organised by Deputy Headteacher Miss Hernandez and Whole-school Enrichment lead Mr Potts. Students spent some of their final lockdown time looking at the history and issues surrounding Racism in the UK over several days of learning. The school teamed up with the National movement 'Show Racism the Red Card' (SRTRC) to take part in a competition for a piece of creative writing, and a piece of art.
"I saw this as a great opportunity to have an extended event that allowed students to explore the issues, and respond creatively," said Mr Potts. SRTRC is supported by a significant number of high profile Premier League footballers.
"This event came at the perfect time. With remote learning coming to an end and the much welcomed return to schools, it was amazing for the students to have the opportunity to fully express themselves for this worthwhile and relevant cause. It was incredibly powerful to pose the question, ‘how does the world seem to you at this moment?’ It was equally powerful to view their thoughts and feelings regarding difference, acceptance and tolerance. Their creative minds and considered responses were truly a credit to their thoughtful, appreciative and caring attitudes," said Miss Hernandez.
Mr Potts noted "We drew on the range of expertise in the English and Art departments and would like to thank the significant planning, input and judging from Mr Dixon and Miss Balcomb who took a lead role in the competition element of the event." Students were introduced to a variety of creative concepts, and work by BAME artists.
What next? Well, keep checking back as the judges will reaching their conclusions soon. There will be a winning certificate and voucher for each top Year 7 - 10 in both creating a piece of art and creative writing on the topic of racism as well as interviews with the winners reported here. Additionally, there will be awards for the best in Key Stage. The winners will be entered for our maximum allowed entries into the National competition, and a chance to meet the footballers, celebrities and others at an arena later in the year. Heads of Year will be announcing the winners in the school-based competition in the last week of term. Some staff have already had a sneak peek at some early winners, and are bowled over at the standard of the students work!